Home Indole Alkaloids

Effect of abiotic elicitation and pathway precursors feeding over terpenoid indole alkaloids production in multiple shoot and callus cultures of Catharanthus roseus

2020-01-28 14:33:53


Abhishek Sharma1,2    & Ajay Kumar Mathur2 & Jawahar Ganpathy1 & Bhrugesh Joshi1 & Prittesh Patel1

Received: 4 September 2018 / Accepted: 27 January 2019 / Published online: 14 February 2019
# Institute of Molecular Biology, Slovak Academy of Sciences 2019

The anti-neoplastic herb, Catharanthus roseus is a classified high-value low-volume medicinal herb which is in the global attention of scientific research for modulation of its terpenoid indole alkaloids (TIAs) pathway (Verma et al. 2015; Sharma et al. 2017). The plant belongs to the Family Apocynaceae and is known to harbor >130 different types of bioactive TIAs that make it an interesting ingredient in several traditional and modern therapies (Zhao and Verpoorte 2007; Sharma et al. 2018). In the modern pharmacopeia the plant is commercially valued for the strong anti-neoplastic efficacy of two of its leaf- derived dimeric TIAs namely vincristine and vinblastine. In addition, two of its root-derived monomeric alkaloids ajmalicine and serpentine are also in wide clinical usage to treat hypertension and other circulatory disorders (El-Sayed and Verpoorte 2007; Duarte and Cooper-DeHoff 2010). Vincristine and vinblastine are indispensable components of several chemotherapeutic regimens employed in the treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemias, Hodgkin’s and non- Hodgkin’s lymphomas, Ewing’s sarcoma and breast cancer etc. (Neuss and Neuss 1990; Arora et al. 2010). The in-planta yields of these bioactive TIAs are extremely low (0.0001– 0.0005% leaf dry weight) that makes their extraction difficult and exorbitantly expensive (Sharma et al. 2018). At the same time, vincristine and vinblastine also represent a complex chi- rality that makes their chemical synthesis difficult and eco- nomically non-viable (Hughes and Shanks 2002). This makes Catharanthus roseus an exclusive bio-resource of these high value drugs. TIAs pathway, therefore, is in center-stage of several plant metabolic engineering pursuits because of the high commercial stakes attached to it (Wang et al. 2012; Li et al. 2013; Qu et al. 2015). The better insight of the pathway architecture, the spatial and temporal complexities associated with its expression and execution and different facets of its developmental, enzymatic and genetic regulations have pro- vided ample opportunity to strategize different pathway engi- neering options in this herb. Involvement of at least four dis- crete cell/tissue types (epidermis, internal phloem parenchy- ma, idioblasts) and five intra-cellular compartments namely cytosol, vacuole, thylakoid membrane, nucleus, and endoplas- mic reticulum has so far been implicated with TIAs metabo- lism in Catharanthus roseus plants (Sharma et al. 2018).


The detail description of TIAs biogenesis in Catharanthus roseus is provided in several research findings (Tatsis et al. 2017; Sharma et al. 2018; Caputi et al. 2018; Qu et al. 2018). Cell and tissue cultures of Catharanthus roseus have been investigated as an alternative source of TIA production. Major researches were contributed towards the improvement of alkaloid production in Catharanthus roseus cell suspension and hairy root cultures (Verpoorte et al. 1997; Verma et al. 2012). The obtained results were not as successful as expected as dimeric alkaloids are produced only in the green shoots of the plant and productivity of other alkaloids in these cultures is very low to be commercialized is limited by lack of that par- ticular precursor. The optimization of culture conditions such as medium composition, including the addition of biosynthet- ic precursor(s) and elicitors to the medium, may enhance al- kaloid production where the productivity is limited by lack of that particular precursor (Verpoorte et al. 1997, 2002). Precursor feeding and pathway up-regulation by biotic and abiotic elicitors are two standard strategies for improving the expression of an intended metabolic pathway in plants and their in vitro cultures (Karuppusamy 2009; Murthy et al. 2014; Giri and Zaheer 2016). Therefore, the elicitation and precursor feeding experiments in the present study were car- ried out with multiple shoots cultures of Catharanthus roseus that provide the required cellular complexity to complete TIAs pathway and leads to the synthesis of dimeric alkaloids vin- blastine and vincristine. A series of experiments with multiple shoots were therefore, laid down to monitor the influence of these exogenously applied TIAs precursors Tryptophan (TP) and Tryptamine (TM) and five abiotic elicitors salicylic acid (SA), succinic acid (SCA), potassium chloride (KCL), methyl jasmonate (MJ), mannitol (MN) on TIAs pathway biosynthe- sis. Whitmer et al. (1998) suggested the role of pathway pre- cursors like TP and TM as their availability may advances the TIAs production in Catharanthus roseus. Signaling molecules MJ and SA are frequently associated with up-regulation of secondary metabolites (Vázquez-Flota et al. 2009; Verma et al. 2014). Physiological stress also plays a crucial role in the secondary metabolites biosynthesis, therefore, KCL and MN are used to generate salt stress and osmotic stress, respec- tively (Zhao et al. 2000, 2001). Influence of these exogenous- ly applied factors was also chased in callus tissue to make a comparison of their efficacy at different levels of cellular or- ganization. Change in the transcripts of important pathway genes controlling the major steps of TIAs biosynthesis from tryptamine, strictosidine to vinblastine (Wang et al. 2016; Liu et al. 2017; Sharma et al. 2017, 2018) viz., CrTDC, CrSTR, CrSGD, CrT3O, CrT3R, CrD4H, CrDAT, and CrPRX1 along with the accumulation of monomeric TIAs vindoline and catharanthine and dimeric TIAs vinblastine and vincristine, were analyzed to understand the influence of these exoge- nously applied factors.

Materials and methods
Multiple shoot culture

The seeds of Catharanthus roseus BDhawal^ (National Gene Bank Accession Numbers: CIMAP-0859) were procured
from CSIR-CIMAP gene bank. Prior to culturing, the seeds were soaked overnight in running tap water. The surface ster- ilization was done by washing them in 70% ethanol for 30 s. and with HgCl2 (0.1% w/v) treatment for 2 min, followed by 2–3 times washing with sterilized distilled water and plated over basal MS medium (Murashige and Skoog 1962) under dark condition. The seeds germinated after 3–4 days and after 2 weeks, transferred over shoot multiplication medium (SMM) comprised of MS media supplemented with 1 mg/L 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP), 0.1 mg/L naphthalene acetic ac- id and 0.38 mg/L thymine HCL with 3% sucrose and 8 g/L agar (Sharma et al. 2018). The axillary shoot developed were separated and maintained/sub-cultured after every 8 weeks hiatus on SMM. Seedlings and multiple shoot cultures were maintained at 25 ± 2 °C, under 16 h photoperiod by cool day- light fluorescent incandescent tubes (48 μmol m−2 s−1 photo- synthetic flux).

Callus culture

Callus cultures were induced by using leaves from in vitro raised axillary shoot culture. Leaves were plated over MS medium (Murashige and Skoog 1962) supplemented with
1.0 mg/L 2,4-dichloro-phenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D) and
0.5 mg/L benzylaminopurine (BAP) and incubated under con- tinuous diffused light (15 μmol m−2 s−1 photosynthetic flux). After 2–3 weeks, callus induced from leaf and transferred to fresh callusing medium for growth and maintenance.


Precursor and elicitor preparation

Precursors and elicitors preparation were done by dissolving the required amount into the sterile distilled water; filter ster- ilized and added to 100 mL conical flask (for multiple shoot cultures) / petryplates (for callus cultures) containing 50 mL of MS medium specific to multiple shoot culture and callus cul- ture just before solidification under sterile conditions. The concentrations of the growth regulators with a final concen- tration in the medium were as follows: Salicylic acid (Sigma, USA) 1 mM, 5 mM and 10 mM; Succinic acid (Sigma, USA) 1 mM, 5 mM and 10 mM; Methyljasmonate solution (Sigma- Aldrich, Germany) 10 mM, 100 mM and 250 mM; KCL (SRL, India) 2 g/L, 3 g/L, 4 g/L and 5 g/L; Mannitol (HiMedia, India) 100 mM, 200 mM, 300 mM and 400 mM; Tryptophan (HiMedia, India) 300 mg/L, 500 mg/L and 1000 mg/L and Tryptamine (HiMedia, India) mg/L, 500 mg/ L and 1000 mg/L (Table 1). Culture medium of Control ex- plants were not fed with any of the above chemicals.


Method of feeding

All precursor and elicitor solutions were prepared by separate- ly dissolving the known amount of the component in sterile distilled water. They were filter-sterilized using a Millipore disposable syringe filter (0.2 μm). The required volume of such sterilized solutions was then aseptically added in 50 mL of callusing or shoots multiplication medium in 100 mL flask. Media with an equal amount of sterilized distilled water served as the control. Minimum of three replicates per treatment were taken and the experiment was repeated twice. The feeding and elicitation treatments were compared in terms of their influ- ence on growth indices, total alkaloid content, and quantifica- tion of four major TIAs namely vindoline, catharanthine, vin- blastine and vincristine in the alkaloid pool. Growth and me- tabolite production kinetics of Catharanthus roseus multiple shoot cultures and callus cultures were performed and based on the results the duration of all in vitro treatment was kept constant at 30 days. All treatments were initiated at 0 days of culture (30 days after seed germination for multiple shoot cul- tures and callus cultures development from leaves) and growth kinetics of callus and multiple shoot cultures were monitored in terms of their Growth Index (GI) over time. The GI was calculated by using the formula:


Alkaloid profiling
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was per- formed to analyze the different TIAs in Catharanthus roseus. For alkaloids extraction, 100 mg of oven-dried (50–60°C) the harvested multiple shoots and callus tissue was taken and extracted thrice with HPLC grade methanol (3 × 30 mL) at room temperature. The methanolic extracts were pooled and dried in vacuum to 10 mL to which 10 mL of distilled water was then added. The mixture was acidified with 10 mL of 3% HCl and washed thrice with hexane (3 × 30 mL). The purified aqueous portion was basified with ammonia (to pH 8.0), ex- tracted with chloroform (3 × 30 mL), air dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate and weighed until constant reading. The HPLC analysis and quantification was carried out using a modular HPLC apparatus (Waters Corp., Milford, MA, USA) equipped with a 600E multi-solvent delivery system and a 2996 photo- diode array (PDA) detector and an RP-18e Reversed-Phase Chromolith Performance HPLC column (100-×4.6 mm). The mobile phase comprised of 21:79 (v/v) acetonitrile: 0.1 M phosphate buffer acidified with 0.5% glacial acetic acid (pH 3.5). The flow-rate was maintained at 1.2 mL/min during the entire analysis. The injector volume used for every sample was 10 μl. Peak detection was carried out at 254 nm. A stan- dard mixture of vindoline, catharanthine, vinblastine and vin- cristine (0.25 mg/ml methanol) was made using the stock solution of 1 mg/ml of each. The obtained data were processed using Empower Pro (Waters Corp.) chromatographic soft- ware. The entire run took 35 min.


Real-time PCR (RT-qPCR) analysis

To analyze the quantitative real-time PCR, the relative gene expression studies were performed using the Stepone real- time PCR system (Applied Biosystems, USA) with SYBR Green PCR Master Mix (Applied Biosystems, USA) as de- scribed in Sharma et al. (2018). Total RNA content was ex- tracted from elicited and control tissues as per the manufac- turer’s instructions (DSS Takara, Japan). The quality and quantity of extracted RNA were estimated using a NanoDrop spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientific, USA). The complementary DNA (cDNA) was generated from the isolated RNA using the random primers and MultiScribe Reverse Transcriptase kit (Applied Biosystems, USA). All real-time PCR quantifications were performed with endoge- nous control Actin and a non-template control (Pandey et al. 2016; Kumar and Bhatia 2016; Sharma et al. 2017, 2018). Real-time transcript analysis of five candidate genes viz., CrTDC, CrSTR, CrSGD, CrT3O, CrT3R, CrD4H, CrDAT, and CrPRX1 genes was calculated using the Livak’s method (RQ = 2 − ΔΔct). List of primers used in the present study is provided in Supplementary Material.

Statistical analysis

The data obtained from the experimental analysis is expressed as a mean ± standard deviation (SD) of three biological repli- cates. The statistical differences in elicited tissues for TIAs were analyzed by two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) using the SPSS (Version 17.0). All the values at P < 0.05 were considered statistically significant.


Seed germination, shoot multiplication and callus culture establishment

The seeds of Catharanthus roseus BDhawal^ were used to generate healthy growing multiple shoot cultures and callus
cultures. Overnight soaked seeds germinated with 100% seed germination rate within 3–4 days of culture over MS medium (Fig. 1a). Fifteen days old seedlings upon transfer to SMM, elongated to average length of 8–10 cm within 8 weeks of growth (Fig. 1c-e). The axillary bud explants from these    8 weeks old elongated shoots were used to feed with pathway precursors and chemical elicitors. Leaves from 6 to 8 weeks old invitro grown multiple shoot cultures of Catharanthus roseus were used to induce callus cultures. Callus initiation from leaf explants became evident after 16–20 days of plating and by 30th day the entire explant surface was covered with induced calli. The callus was subsequently maintained on the same callusing medium through regular sub-culturing every 4th–5th week (Fig. 1b). These 4–5 weeks old callus cultures were used for the further experimentation.

Growth kinetic of multiple shoot and callus cultures

The growth and metabolite production kinetics of shoot cul- tures through a 50 days culture cycle on MSB (MS + 1.0 mg/L BAP + 0.1 mg/L NAA + 0.4 mg/L THCL) was recorded (Fig. 2). The biomass production curve followed a steady exponential trend in biomass gain between 10th to 40th days of in vitro growth with a GI value of 75 to 800, respectively. Biomass built up on the 30th day was 3.5 fold more than on the 20th day of culture. The cultures maintained a near steady state of growth beyond 40th day with a GI of 820 on the 50th day of incubation. The alkaloid content in the regenerating shoots was low during the first 20 days of cultures (0.36– 0.51% dry wt). The alkaloid production was peaked on the 30th day with an alkaloid content of 1.56% dry wt. It gradu- ally declined to 1.32 and 0.47% dry wt on 40th and 50th day, respectively. The growth and metabolite production kinetics of callus culture thought a 40 days culture cycle on callus culture medium (MS + 1.0 mg/L 2,4 D + 0.1 mg/L BAP) was recorded (Fig. 3). The biomass production curve followed a steady exponential trend  between 10th  to  30th days of in vitro shoot growth with a GI value of 3.68 and 7.58, respec- tively. The cultures maintained a near steady state of growth beyond 30th day with a GI of 4.43 on the 40th day of incuba- tion. The alkaloid content in the growing callus was low dur- ing the first 20 days of cultures. The alkaloid production on peaked on the 30th day with an alkaloid content of 2.19% dry wt and was declined to 0.68% dry wt on the 40th day.
The callus and the multiple shoot cultures of Catharanthus roseus were fed to chase the feeding efficacy of the two TIAs biosynthesis precursors (tryptophan and tryptamine) and five chemicals (methyl jasmonate, salicylic acid, succinic acid, po- tassium chloride, and mannitol) (Table 1). All treatment doses were applied at the beginning of the culture cycle and the harvesting of the tissue was done on the 30th day of growth. Harvesting time was deduced on the basis of highest biomass and alkaloid productivity obtained on this day in the control cultures. Influence of various treatments was compared in terms of harvest biomass yield, crude alkaloid content and quantitative change in catharanthine, vindoline, vinblastine and vincristine levels in the tissue.


Modulation in TIAs biosynthesis in multiple shoot culture

In terms of shoot biomass production, methyl jasmonate elic- itation was found inhibitory and 1.5 to 2.0 fold depression over the control was evident in shoots treated with 10 mM and 100 mM methyl jasmonate. Salicylic acid, tryptophan and tryptamine treatments also failed to enhance biomass produc- tivity to any significant level when compared with non-treated controls. Most positive effect on shoot growth was evident in cultures treated with low levels of KCl (2 g/L) and higher dose (5–10 mM) of succinic acid. KCl at 2 g/L levels and succinic acid at 10 mM supplementation caused more than 2–4 fold increase in growth and biomass accumulation in shoot cul- tures. In comparison to 1.56%, dry wt content of total alka- loids in the control shoots, the alkaloid content in the treated shoots varies in a range from 1.67 to 6.42% dry wt (Fig. 4). Highest alkaloid levels of 6.2% dry weight were found in shoots that were fed with 1000 mg/L tryptamine followed by 4.22% dry wt at 500 mg/L tryptamine dose. In terms of total alkaloid yield, treatment of succinic acid at 10 mM was best as in addition to 3.15% dry wt alkaloid content it also supported a fourfold increase in biomass. Methyl jasmonate at higher doses (250 mM) and tryptophan at 1000 mg/L support mini- mum alkaloid production in comparison to control. The three elicitation treatments of KCl did not differ much in terms of alkaloid content 3.68, 3.43 and 3.51% dry wt and 2, 4, and 5 g/ L levels. Salicylic acid supplementation was found dose- dependent with a treatment comprising of 10 mM/L being best with TIAs content of 3.72% dry wt.


The highest accumulation (2 folds) of catharanthine (0.0729%) was observed in shoots exposed to the highest concentration of KCL (5 g/L). An organic acid, salicylic acid at its lower concentration of 1 mM also increased the production of catharanthine 1.25 folds, when compared to control. However, increase in the concentration of SA com- promises the cell growth. Alkaloid precursor, tryptamine at its low concentration of 300 mg/L also showed an increase in catharanthine production but no concurrent influences on growth. Treatments of methyl jasmonate and tryptamine were not found to affect production of catharanthine content. None of the precursor feeding and elicitation treatments were found to have any positive influence on vindoline content that varied from 0.0025 to 0.0763% dry wt in comparison to 0.1126% dry wt in the control shoots. Interestingly, while no vincristine peak could be seen in most of the alkaloids samples including that of control, methyl jasmonate (250 mM), salicylic acid (5 mM), succinic acid (1 mM) and tryptamine (500-100 mg/L) treatments showed the presence of trace amount of vincris- tine when the samples were analyzed for their alkaloid con- tent. Highest vinblastine production, on the other hand, was observed in the shoots fed with a lower concentration of trypt- amine (100 mg/L), wherein, nine-fold increase was evident (i.e. 0.0277% dry wt vis a vis 0.003% in the control). While the positive influence of tryptamine feeding remained only two folds at 500 mg/L, its accumulation was not seen in the sample treated with 1000 mg/L dose of tryptamine. Similar to tryptamine but to a lesser degree, tryptophan was also found favoring vinblastine accumulation in cultured shoots. The ef- fect was more prominent (>5 fold) at lower tryptophan sup- plementation doses of 300–500 mg/L. Salicylic acid at its lower concentration (1 mM) also increased the production of vinblastine by five folds with high cell growth increase. Increase in concentration of methyl jasmonate resulted in a marginal increase in vinblastine production but with a concur- rent decrease in the cell growth. The real time PCR gene expression analysis of the elicited multiple shoots cultures reported a very slight increase in the levels of CrSGD and CrPRX I genes (Fig. 5). CrSGD reported a marginal increase in the tissues treated with TP300 and TP500. SA1 treatment resulted in the 1.46 fold increased CrPRX11 followed by 1.32 fold increase with KCL5 treatment. Rest of the treatment failed to enhance the expression of other studied genes.


Effect of precursor feeding and elicitation over TIAs biosynthesis on callus cultures

In terms of callus biomass production, salicylic acid and meth- yl jasmonate elicitations were found inhibitory and showed
2.0 to 3.0 fold and 1.5 to 2.0 fold depressions over control. Tryptamine and tryptophan treatments also failed to enhance biomass productivity to any significant level when compared with non-treated controls. Most positive effect on callus growth was evident in cultures treated with KCl and mannitol. KCl at 3 g/L levels and mannitol at 100 mM supplementation induced 2 fold and 1.7 fold increase in growth and biomass accumulation in callus cultures. In comparison to 1.18% dry wt content of total alkaloids in the control callus culture, the alkaloid content in the treated callus cultures varies from a range of 0.46 to 2.38% dry wt (Fig. 6). Highest alkaloid levels of 2.38% and 2.28% dry weight were found in callus fed with 5 mM and 1 mM succinic acid dose and also recorded a 1.6 to 3 fold increase in biomass. Higher doses of Methyl jasmonate (100–250 mM) and mannitol (200-500 mM) supports the minimum alkaloid production in comparison to control. The elicitation treatments of KCl produced alkaloid content rang- ing from 1.53 to 2.07% dry wt at 2, 3, 4, and 5 g/L levels. The elicitation treatments with salicylic acid and feeding with tryp- tophan also did not differ much in terms of alkaloid content. Alkaloid production in these treatments ranges from 1.12 to 1.74% dry wt in tryptophan feeding and 1.04 to 1.59% dry wt in cultures elicited with salicylic acid. Increase in tryptamine doses at 300, 500 and 1000 mg/L doses caused a decrease in alkaloid content with 1.98, 1.68 and 1.55% dry wt.

Catharanthine and vindoline content were determined in the callus cultures treated with precursors and abiotic elicitors. In case of catharanthine production, callus cultures fed with 500 mg/L tryptophan recorded the trivial increase of 5% with a decrease in cell growth compared to non-treated control, otherwise, no other treatment enhanced catharanthine produc- tion that varied from 0.0007 to 0.0101% dry wt. Vindoline production in callus system is highly affected by salt and os- motic stress. KCl at its lower dose of 3 g/L recorded 12 folds increase (0.0451% dry wt) with an increase in cell growth (Fig. 6). However, the increase in KCl concentration gradually reduced vindoline production and limited to 2 fold increase. A lower dose of mannitol also affects the production of vindoline. Mannitol at 100 mM dose affects the vindoline production by 3 fold (0.0115% dry wt) with increased cell growth; however increase in mannitol concentrations (200 mM, 300 mM, 400 mM) reduced the vindoline produc- tion with variable increased in cell growth. Succinic acid with its higher dose of 10 mM resulted in 2fold (0.0065%) increase in vindoline content with similar growth compared to non-treated control. Meanwhile, the treatments of salicylic acid, methyl jasmonate, tryptophan, and tryptamine showed a var- iable decrease in vindoline production compared to non- treated control. The real time PCR gene expression analysis of the elicited callus cultures reported an increase in the levels of only CrDAT transcript levels (Fig. 7). KCL2 treatment in- creased the CrDAT transcript levels upto 1.34 fold increases followed by KCL4 treatment with a marginal increment of
1.09 fold. MN100 treatment also recorded 1.20 fold enhanced CrDAT transcript levels. Rest of the treatment failed to en- hance the expression of other studied genes whereas, the tran- script levels of CrPRX11 were not detected in all samples.


Amenability and sensitivity of TIAs metabolism towards pre- cursor feeding, biotic and abiotic elicitations in cell and tissue cultures of Catharanthus roseus have been very well docu- mented in many previous studies. These attempts have been periodically reviewed in the literature (Verpoorte and Memelink 2002; Baenas et al. 2014; Verma et al. 2015). These approaches have resulted in higher accumulation of certain monomeric TIAs but most of the time the responses were found to be sporadic, inconsistent and tissue or cell line- specific. Long term stability of metabolite up-regulation in these lines was also a serious constraint in several of these studies. Ajmalicine, serpentine and tabersonine were the most preferred beneficiaries of these imposed elicitation treatments in these previous studies (Vázquez-Flota and Loyola-Vargas 1994; Rijhwani and Shanks 1998; Rodriguez et al. 2003; Thakore et al. 2015). Elicitors can regulate a large number of control points and trigger the expression of key genes with increased cellular activities at a biochemical and molecular level involving signal transduction molecules like jasmonate, salicylic acid, nitrous oxide etc. (Caarls et al. 2015; Zaheer and Giri 2015; Giri and Zaheer 2016). Similarly, the availability and abundance of a starting precursor or a limiting intermedi- ate in a given cellular environment may also advance the path- way in the desired direction but these responses are mostly governed by the metabolic status of the cell cultures (Whitmer et al. 1998; Verma et al. 2015). Results obtained in the pre- sented study in respect to abiotic elicitation of Catharanthus roseus callus and multiple shoot cultures also followed these general trends. In all, five abiotic elicitor molecules namely salicylic acid, succinic acid, methyl jasmonate, mannitol, po- tassium chloride and two TIAs precursors i.e., tryptophan and tryptamine were tested for eliciting the TIAs pathway in callus and multiple shoots.


Highest improvement in TIAs productivity (6.20% dry wt) was observed in shoots fed with 1000 mg/L of tryptamine at the beginning of the culture cycle, followed by 4.22% dry wt at 500 mg/L tryptamine dose in comparison to 1.56% dry wt. in the untreated control shoots. Catharanthine synthesis (0.0729% dry wt) was found to be specifically favored by elicitation with 5 g/L dose of KCl. None of the treatments showed a positive influence on vindoline synthesis that remained down-regulated (0.0025 to 0.763% dry wt) in all treated shoots when compared with its content (0.1126% dry wt) in the control tissue. Among individual alkaloids, none of the TIAs except vindoline recorded any significant change in the treated calli. In the case of vindoline, however, a three or twelve-fold increase was recorded in callus treated with 100 mM and 3 g/L dose of mannitol and KCl, respectively. While vincristine in all the analyzed samples was present in traces, vinblastine accumulation was found more responsive to feeding with 300 mg/L dose of tryptamine wherein a 9-fold increase was visible. Presence of lower concentration of path- way precursors like tryptophan and tryptamine was found effective for enhanced dimeric TIAs production as seen in our previous studies (Sharma et al. 2017; 2018). At the same time, this concentration has a direct effect over the expression of genes like CrTDC and CrSTR. Tryptophan is converted into tryptamine with the help of enzyme tryptophan decarbox- ylase synthesized by CrTDC. At the same time synthesized tryptamine proposed to have feedback inhibition towards en- zyme tryptophan decarboxylase (Noe et al. 1984). Studies made by Whitmer et al. (1998, 2002) and Morgan and Shanks (2000) also supports the fact that the utilization of tryptamine via its coupling with secologanin to produce strictosidine was a more limiting stem than its formation per se. Therefore, in the present study the lower tryptamine and tryptophan concentration availability supports the lower gene expression of CrTDC and CrSTR and other genes, except CrPRXI. Salicylic acid at 1 mM dose also increased the pro- duction of vinblastine by five-folds. With respect to elicitation through a salt stress imposed via KCl treatment, Smith et al. (1987) reported enhanced TIAs production in cell cultures treated with KCL. Zhao et al. (2000) reported the application of KCL and NaCl treatment for enhanced TIAs production in Catharanthus roseus. Compared to NaCl, KCL was found much more able to stimulate the increased catharanthine pro- duction with highest 15 mg/L concentration with 6 g/L KCL treatment. This yield was about 2.5 fold higher than the con- trol. A study carried out with compact callus cultures (CCC) by Zhao et al. (2001) demonstrated that the stress created by KCL and mannitol greatly enhances the TIAs production. Mannitol with 250 mM concentration produced highest level (4–5 folds) of catharanthine and ajmalicine whereas the in- crease in KCL concentration accumulated three to four folds catharanthine and serpentine production. The basic mecha- nism behind the stimulating effect of salt and osmotic stress on alkaloid accumulation in these cell cultures is still not clearly understood.


The overexpression of CrPRXI gene for lower tryptophan, tryptamine and salicylic acid, and high KCL treatments sup- ported the enhanced vinblastine production. To the less catharanthine and vindoline concentration estimated in the present study can be justified by assuming the rapid conver- sion of catharanthine and vindoline to vinblastine as discussed in several studies (Wang et al. 2016; Sharma et al. 2017, 2018). TIAs accumulation in case of callus cultures was most favored by succinic acid mediated abiotic elicitation. Both the tested doses of succinic acid treatment (1 and 5 mM) showed comparable influence resulting in total alkaloids concentration of 2.38 and 2.28% dry wt in comparison to 1.18% in control, however, not supported by the expression levels of all gene studied. Therefore, any concrete generalization cannot be made as was the case in a large number of earlier studies (Smith et al. 1987; Godoy–Hernandez and Loyola–Vargas 1991; Zhao et al. 2000). Methyl jasmonate, as signal mole- cules has been frequently associated with secondary metabolic pathway up-regulation in cell and tissue cultures of many plant species, including Catharanthus roseus cell lines. Jasmonic acid (JA) and its ester methyl jasmonate (MJ) are, otherwise, known to enhance the production of TIAs in cell suspension and hairy root cultures of Catharanthus roseus by activating several pathway genes and transcriptional factors. JA at 50 mg/L dose stimulated ORCA3 transcriptional regu- lator as evident by one hundred seventy-fold increase in ORCA3 transcripts in a Catharanthus roseus hairy root clone (Peebles et al. 2009). This was accompanied with a simulta- neous decrease in catharanthine accumulation. On the con- trary in another study, MJ (50 mg/L) treatment enhanced mRNA transcripts of pathway genes with a concurrent in- crease in catharanthine content (Zhou et al. 2010). In a sepa- rate study, Vázquez-Flota et al. (2009) observed that com- bined treatment of methyl jasmonate at 10 mM and ethylene at 5 ppm was effective in enhancing the vindoline concentra- tion in rootless shoot cultures of Catharanthus roseus that was about 6.5 times higher than in the untreated cultures. In our study, MJ treatment was not found effective with callus and multiple shoot cultures, however, only a marginal increase in vinblastine production was supported by 250 mg/L dose of methyl jasmonate. This too was occurred alongside the severe penalty on cell growth. This may again be a reflection of physiological and/or genotype-specificity of these elicitors as shown by Vázquez-Flota et al. (2009) and Verma et al. (2014).

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CAS No.:1089346-08-6 MDL No.:MFCD11503693

MF:C11H13N3 MW:187.2410



Catalog No.:AA01A2X1

CAS No.:1089347-06-7 MDL No.:MFCD11503437

MF:C7H12N2O MW:140.1830



Catalog No.:AA01BEFC

CAS No.:1089358-93-9 MDL No.:MFCD11503939

MF:C7H16N2 MW:128.2153



Catalog No.:AA0082V7

CAS No.:108937-87-7 MDL No.:MFCD10000746

MF:C9H7NO3 MW:177.1568



Catalog No.:AA007TQB

CAS No.:108938-16-5 MDL No.:MFCD00462954

MF:C9H6BrNO2 MW:240.0534



Catalog No.:AA0082V3

CAS No.:108940-96-1 MDL No.:MFCD00858984

MF:C8H6Br2O2 MW:293.9400


D-ribo-Hexopyranose, 2,6-dideoxy-, 1,3,4-triacetate

Catalog No.:AA01CBP7

CAS No.:108942-62-7 MDL No.:

MF:C12H18O7 MW:274.2671



Catalog No.:AA01F3PZ

CAS No.:108952-34-7 MDL No.:MFCD06637722

MF:C12H12N6 MW:240.2639



Catalog No.:AA01ARYR

CAS No.:108954-84-3 MDL No.:MFCD03030160

MF:C13H10N2S MW:226.2969


Diethyl 3,5-dimethoxybenzylphosphonate

Catalog No.:AA0082UZ

CAS No.:108957-75-1 MDL No.:MFCD18252337

MF:C13H21O5P MW:288.2766



Catalog No.:AA008V79

CAS No.:108957-96-6 MDL No.:MFCD09864552

MF:C6H13NO2 MW:131.1729



Catalog No.:AA007BL0

CAS No.:108958-36-7 MDL No.:MFCD02663630

MF:C13H19NO MW:205.2961


Ethyl 1,6-dimethyl-4-phenyl-2-thioxo-1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyrimidine-5-carboxylate

Catalog No.:AA0082UY

CAS No.:108958-81-2 MDL No.:MFCD01112452

MF:C15H18N2O2S MW:290.3806


Benzoic acid,2,4-bis(1-methylethyl)-

Catalog No.:AA0082UX

CAS No.:108961-55-3 MDL No.:MFCD06655349

MF:C13H18O2 MW:206.2808



Catalog No.:AA00HB6W

CAS No.:108962-85-2 MDL No.:MFCD17294877

MF:C13H19NO4 MW:253.2943



Catalog No.:AA003D8M

CAS No.:108963-16-2 MDL No.:MFCD00191688

MF:C7H16O9S3 MW:340.3915


3-PyrrolidinaMine, N,1-diethyl-

Catalog No.:AA009TND

CAS No.:108963-17-3 MDL No.:MFCD00059062

MF:C8H18N2 MW:142.2419



Catalog No.:AA008RYF

CAS No.:108963-18-4 MDL No.:MFCD02184351

MF:C8H20Cl2N2 MW:215.1638



Catalog No.:AA003SFO

CAS No.:108963-20-8 MDL No.:MFCD00059060

MF:C18H22N2 MW:266.3807


D-Lys(Z)-Pro-Arg-pNA (diacetate)

Catalog No.:AA008TJ1

CAS No.:108963-70-8 MDL No.:MFCD29472230

MF:C35H51N9O11 MW:773.8331


Boc-L-pyroglutamic acid methyl ester

Catalog No.:AA0034HD

CAS No.:108963-96-8 MDL No.:MFCD06809720

MF:C11H17NO5 MW:243.2564


Bis(acetoxymethyl) 2,2'-((2-(5-((acetoxymethoxy)carbonyl)oxazol-2-yl)-5-(2-(2-(bis(2-(acetoxymethoxy)-2-oxoethyl)amino)-5-methylphenoxy)ethoxy)benzofuran-6-yl)azanediyl)diacetate

Catalog No.:AA007TQ2

CAS No.:108964-32-5 MDL No.:MFCD00036976

MF:C44H47N3O24 MW:1001.8497



Catalog No.:AA00IMF4

CAS No.:108964-40-5 MDL No.:

MF:C22H38N2O15 MW:570.5415



Catalog No.:AA003IE5

CAS No.:108966-71-8 MDL No.:MFCD00728800

MF:C6H5F2NO2S MW:193.1712



Catalog No.:AA01DEDM

CAS No.:1089682-06-3 MDL No.:MFCD22370368

MF:C9H7BrO2 MW:227.0547



Catalog No.:AA007TPW

CAS No.:1089687-03-5 MDL No.:MFCD22370170

MF:C16H34Cl2Si MW:325.4327



Catalog No.:AA0091WJ

CAS No.:1089687-05-7 MDL No.:MFCD16621138

MF:C24H36Br2S2Si MW:576.5661


2-(difluoromethoxy)acetic acid

Catalog No.:AA01BDTB

CAS No.:1089695-61-3 MDL No.:MFCD28118272

MF:C3H4F2O3 MW:126.0589



Catalog No.:AA0091D9

CAS No.:1089706-28-4 MDL No.:MFCD16742826

MF:C8H6BrFO2 MW:233.0344


3-Hydroxycyclobutyl pivalate

Catalog No.:AA00HB70

CAS No.:1089709-03-4 MDL No.:MFCD27955486

MF:C9H16O3 MW:172.2215



Catalog No.:AA00999D

CAS No.:1089709-08-9 MDL No.:MFCD23105929

MF:C10H22O2Si MW:202.3660


benzyl 2-(difluoromethoxy)acetate

Catalog No.:AA01BHMC

CAS No.:1089709-30-7 MDL No.:MFCD28246278

MF:C10H10F2O3 MW:216.1814



Catalog No.:AA01A7UP

CAS No.:108971-51-3 MDL No.:MFCD12509323

MF:C17H21NO MW:255.3547



Catalog No.:AA01BF34

CAS No.:1089722-36-0 MDL No.:MFCD19606969

MF:C6H10O3S MW:162.2068


4-(ethylamino)-2-(methylthio)-5-Pyrimidinecarboxylic acid

Catalog No.:AA019EL6

CAS No.:1089724-08-2 MDL No.:MFCD12911522

MF:C8H11N3O2S MW:213.2568


(3-Methoxypropyl)boronic acid

Catalog No.:AA01ADCH

CAS No.:1089725-75-6 MDL No.:MFCD06212375

MF:C4H11BO3 MW:117.9393



Catalog No.:AA00923C

CAS No.:1089736-72-0 MDL No.:MFCD12022350

MF:C24H21D8N5O3 MW:443.5681


L-Valine, N-(1-oxopentyl-d9)-N-[[2'-(1H-tetrazol-5-yl)[1,1'-biphenyl]-4-yl]Methyl]-

Catalog No.:AA008TKL

CAS No.:1089736-73-1 MDL No.:MFCD08063540

MF:C24H20D9N5O3 MW:444.5742


4-(Diphenylmethyl)-1-piperazineethanol dihydrochloride

Catalog No.:AA0082UN

CAS No.:108983-83-1 MDL No.:MFCD03844661

MF:C19H26Cl2N2O MW:369.3285



Catalog No.:AA003I9X

CAS No.:108989-36-2 MDL No.:MFCD10000957

MF:C14H12Br2O2 MW:372.0519


6-methyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyridine hydrochloride

Catalog No.:AA008ZQ8

CAS No.:108989-52-2 MDL No.:MFCD30479746

MF:C8H12Cl2N2 MW:207.1003


8-chloro-2-methylquinoline-3-carboxylic acid

Catalog No.:AA01BXIE

CAS No.:1089898-90-7 MDL No.:MFCD20036314

MF:C11H8ClNO2 MW:221.6397



Catalog No.:AA01AN0S

CAS No.:1089899-70-6 MDL No.:MFCD20693895

MF:C9H10N4 MW:174.2025



Catalog No.:AA007BGU

CAS No.:108990-72-3 MDL No.:MFCD09864349

MF:C7H9N3 MW:135.1665


N,N-Bis(propan-2-yl)piperidine-4-carboxamide hydrochloride

Catalog No.:AA01A8G5

CAS No.:108992-66-1 MDL No.:MFCD16040073

MF:C12H25ClN2O MW:248.7927


Ethyl 3-methyl-4-oxo-4,5,6,7-tetrahydrobenzofuran-2-carboxylate

Catalog No.:AA00IXIK

CAS No.:108993-84-6 MDL No.:MFCD01044397

MF:C12H14O4 MW:222.2372



Catalog No.:AA01FOOQ

CAS No.:108993-87-9 MDL No.:MFCD00085565

MF:C12H26O6 MW:266.3312



Catalog No.:AA008WGR

CAS No.:108993-98-2 MDL No.:MFCD00666164

MF:C13H13NO4 MW:247.2466


2-[(5-Chloro-2-methoxyphenyl)amino]acetic acid

Catalog No.:AA019WWM

CAS No.:108994-41-8 MDL No.:MFCD06849813

MF:C9H10ClNO3 MW:215.6336



Catalog No.:AA007BGR

CAS No.:108998-83-0 MDL No.:MFCD19232237

MF:C20H18O2 MW:290.3557



Catalog No.:AA003JI6

CAS No.:109-00-2 MDL No.:MFCD00006378

MF:C5H5NO MW:95.0993



Catalog No.:AA0032QJ

CAS No.:109-01-3 MDL No.:MFCD00005966

MF:C5H12N2 MW:100.1622



Catalog No.:AA003416

CAS No.:109-02-4 MDL No.:MFCD00006175

MF:C5H11NO MW:101.1469



Catalog No.:AA003346

CAS No.:109-04-6 MDL No.:MFCD00006219

MF:C5H4BrN MW:157.9960



Catalog No.:AA0033BL

CAS No.:109-05-7 MDL No.:MFCD00005982

MF:C6H13N MW:99.1741



Catalog No.:AA00HB73

CAS No.:109-06-8 MDL No.:MFCD00006332

MF:C6H7N MW:93.1265



Catalog No.:AA0033BK

CAS No.:109-07-9 MDL No.:MFCD00005954

MF:C5H12N2 MW:100.1622



Catalog No.:AA003HNI

CAS No.:109-08-0 MDL No.:MFCD00006142

MF:C5H6N2 MW:94.1145



Catalog No.:AA00IKAQ

CAS No.:109-09-1 MDL No.:MFCD00006228

MF:C5H4ClN MW:113.5450



Catalog No.:AA003JJF

CAS No.:109-11-5 MDL No.:MFCD00631009

MF:C4H7NO2 MW:101.1039



Catalog No.:AA00331O

CAS No.:109-12-6 MDL No.:MFCD00006089

MF:C4H5N3 MW:95.1026


Triethylene glycol dimethacrylate

Catalog No.:AA003UZ3

CAS No.:109-16-0 MDL No.:MFCD00008591

MF:C14H22O6 MW:286.3209


Tetraethylene glycol dimethacrylate

Catalog No.:AA003ULF

CAS No.:109-17-1 MDL No.:MFCD00014932

MF:C16H26O7 MW:330.3734


Butyric Acid Butyl Ester

Catalog No.:AA003OJR

CAS No.:109-21-7 MDL No.:MFCD00009450

MF:C8H16O2 MW:144.2114



Catalog No.:AA003DST

CAS No.:109-29-5 MDL No.:MFCD00039668

MF:C16H30O2 MW:254.4082


Dibutyl decanedioate

Catalog No.:AA003P9L

CAS No.:109-43-3 MDL No.:MFCD00027218

MF:C18H34O4 MW:314.4602


Bis(2-ethoxyethyl) adipate

Catalog No.:AA003O5M

CAS No.:109-44-4 MDL No.:MFCD00041926

MF:C14H26O6 MW:290.3526



Catalog No.:AA003DGE

CAS No.:109-46-6 MDL No.:MFCD00004926

MF:C9H20N2S MW:188.3335



Catalog No.:AA00347B

CAS No.:109-49-9 MDL No.:MFCD00008793

MF:C6H10O MW:98.1430


Valeric Acid

Catalog No.:AA0035PQ

CAS No.:109-52-4 MDL No.:MFCD00004413

MF:C5H10O2 MW:102.1317


Isobutyl vinyl ether

Catalog No.:AA003R07

CAS No.:109-53-5 MDL No.:MFCD00008934

MF:C6H12O MW:100.1589



Catalog No.:AA008R9P

CAS No.:109-54-6 MDL No.:MFCD00044496

MF:C5H12ClN MW:121.6085



Catalog No.:AA0033M2

CAS No.:109-55-7 MDL No.:MFCD00008216

MF:C5H14N2 MW:102.1781



Catalog No.:AA00IKDT

CAS No.:109-56-8 MDL No.:MFCD00041755

MF:C5H13NO MW:103.1628



Catalog No.:AA003NNT

CAS No.:109-57-9 MDL No.:MFCD00004940

MF:C4H8N2S MW:116.1847



Catalog No.:AA003HEM

CAS No.:109-59-1 MDL No.:MFCD00002866

MF:C5H12O2 MW:104.1476


Propyl acetate

Catalog No.:AA003TX0

CAS No.:109-60-4 MDL No.:MFCD00009372

MF:C5H10O2 MW:102.1317


boron trifluoride ethyl ether

Catalog No.:AA0035SP

CAS No.:109-63-7 MDL No.:MFCD00013194

MF:C4H10BF3O MW:141.9278



Catalog No.:AA0032IS

CAS No.:109-64-8 MDL No.:MFCD00000255

MF:C3H6Br2 MW:201.8877



Catalog No.:AA0034HU

CAS No.:109-65-9 MDL No.:MFCD00000260

MF:C4H9Br MW:137.0183



Catalog No.:AA009QSB

CAS No.:109-66-0 MDL No.:MFCD00009498

MF:C5H12 MW:72.1488



Catalog No.:AA0032O3

CAS No.:109-69-3 MDL No.:MFCD00001009

MF:C4H9Cl MW:92.5673



Catalog No.:AA003E1B

CAS No.:109-70-6 MDL No.:MFCD00000998

MF:C3H6BrCl MW:157.4367



Catalog No.:AA0035AH

CAS No.:109-73-9 MDL No.:MFCD00011690

MF:C4H11N MW:73.1368



Catalog No.:AA007SEG

CAS No.:109-74-0 MDL No.:MFCD00001968

MF:C4H7N MW:69.1051



Catalog No.:AA003J2U

CAS No.:109-75-1 MDL No.:MFCD00001962

MF:C5H6 MW:66.1011



Catalog No.:AA0032IP

CAS No.:109-76-2 MDL No.:MFCD00008228

MF:C3H10N2 MW:74.1249



Catalog No.:AA003RCS

CAS No.:109-77-3 MDL No.:MFCD00001883

MF:C3H2N2 MW:66.0614



Catalog No.:AA0033NH

CAS No.:109-78-4 MDL No.:MFCD00002826

MF:C3H5NO MW:71.0779



Catalog No.:AA003E34

CAS No.:109-79-5 MDL No.:MFCD00004905

MF:C4H10S MW:90.1872



Catalog No.:AA0032J0

CAS No.:109-80-8 MDL No.:MFCD00004904

MF:C3H8S2 MW:108.2256



Catalog No.:AA0035BM

CAS No.:109-81-9 MDL No.:MFCD00008165

MF:C3H10N2 MW:74.1249



Catalog No.:AA003S0Y

CAS No.:109-82-0 MDL No.:MFCD00001889

MF:C3H6N2O MW:86.0925



Catalog No.:AA0032SW

CAS No.:109-83-1 MDL No.:MFCD00002839

MF:C3H9NO MW:75.1097



Catalog No.:AA00339B

CAS No.:109-84-2 MDL No.:MFCD00007623

MF:C2H8N2O MW:76.0977



Catalog No.:AA0033AX

CAS No.:109-85-3 MDL No.:MFCD00008180

MF:C3H9NO MW:75.1097



Catalog No.:AA0033AU

CAS No.:109-86-4 MDL No.:MFCD00002867

MF:C3H8O2 MW:76.0944