Home Other Building Blocks 6980-18-3
Catalog No.:AA00FH4P

6980-18-3 | α-D-lyxo-

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Title: Simultaneous determination of 15 aminoglycoside(s) residues in animal derived foods by automated solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.

Journal: Food chemistry 20121115

Title: Residues and dynamics of kasugamycin in chilli and soil.

Journal: Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 20120901

Title: Chemosensitization as a means to augment commercial antifungal agents.

Journal: Frontiers in microbiology 20120101

Title: Direct interaction of the N-terminal domain of ribosomal protein S1 with protein S2 in Escherichia coli.

Journal: PloS one 20120101

Title: Response of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus to amicoumacin A.

Journal: PloS one 20120101

Title: Effect of streptomycin treatment on bacterial community structure in the apple phyllosphere.

Journal: PloS one 20120101

Title: Local absence of secondary structure permits translation of mRNAs that lack ribosome-binding sites.

Journal: PLoS genetics 20110601

Title: Translation-independent localization of mRNA in E. coli.

Journal: Science (New York, N.Y.) 20110225

Title: Evaluation of kasugamycin for fire blight management, effect on nontarget bacteria, and assessment of kasugamycin resistance potential in Erwinia amylovora.

Journal: Phytopathology 20110201

Title: The aminoglycoside resistance methyltransferases from the ArmA/Rmt family operate late in the 30S ribosomal biogenesis pathway.

Journal: RNA (New York, N.Y.) 20110201

Title: The Neisseria gonorrhoeae photolyase orthologue phrB is required for proper DNA supercoiling but does not function in photo-reactivation.

Journal: Molecular microbiology 20110201

Title: Unusual regulation of a leaderless operon involved in the catabolism of dimethylsulfoniopropionate in Rhodobacter sphaeroides.

Journal: PloS one 20110101

Title: Virulence determinants, drug resistance and mobile genetic elements of Laribacter hongkongensis: a genome-wide analysis.

Journal: Cell & bioscience 20110101

Title: Leaderless genes in bacteria: clue to the evolution of translation initiation mechanisms in prokaryotes.

Journal: BMC genomics 20110101

Title: Advances in genetic manipulation of obligate intracellular bacterial pathogens.

Journal: Frontiers in microbiology 20110101

Title: Competence in Streptococcus pneumoniae is regulated by the rate of ribosomal decoding errors.

Journal: mBio 20110101

Title: Genome of Mycoplasma haemofelis, unraveling its strategies for survival and persistence.

Journal: Veterinary research 20110101

Title: Paromomycin affects translation and vesicle-mediated trafficking as revealed by proteomics of paromomycin -susceptible -resistant Leishmania donovani.

Journal: PloS one 20110101

Title: Modification of 16S ribosomal RNA by the KsgA methyltransferase restructures the 30S subunit to optimize ribosome function.

Journal: RNA (New York, N.Y.) 20101201

Title: Natural toxins for use in pest management.

Journal: Toxins 20100801

Title: Analysis of antibiotic fungicide kasugamycin in irrigation water by high performance liquid chromatography.

Journal: Journal of environmental science and health. Part. B, Pesticides, food contaminants, and agricultural wastes 20100701

Title: Exposure effect of fungicide kasugamycin on bacterial community in natural river sediment.

Journal: Journal of environmental science and health. Part. B, Pesticides, food contaminants, and agricultural wastes 20100701

Title: Translation initiation region dependency of translation initiation in Escherichia coli by IF1 and kasugamycin.

Journal: The FEBS journal 20100601

Title: Control of glutamate receptor 2 (GluR2) translational initiation by its alternative 3' untranslated regions.

Journal: Molecular pharmacology 20091201

Title: Isolation and activity of Xenorhabdus antimicrobial compounds against the plant pathogens Erwinia amylovora and Phytophthora nicotianae.

Journal: Journal of applied microbiology 20090901

Title: CD8(+) T cells restrict Yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection: bypass of anti-phagocytosis by targeting antigen-presenting cells.

Journal: PLoS pathogens 20090901

Title: Structural rearrangements in the active site of the Thermus thermophilus 16S rRNA methyltransferase KsgA in a binary complex with 5'-methylthioadenosine.

Journal: Journal of molecular biology 20090501

Title: ksgA mutations confer resistance to kasugamycin in Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

Journal: International journal of antimicrobial agents 20090401

Title: Less is more for leaderless mRNA translation.

Journal: Molecular cell 20090130

Title: An unexpected type of ribosomes induced by kasugamycin: a look into ancestral times of protein synthesis?

Journal: Molecular cell 20090130

Title: The chlamydial functional homolog of KsgA confers kasugamycin sensitivity to Chlamydia trachomatis and impacts bacterial fitness.

Journal: BMC microbiology 20090101

Title: Global transcriptional response to mammalian temperature provides new insight into Francisella tularensis pathogenesis.

Journal: BMC microbiology 20080101

Title: Sequence and structural evolution of the KsgA/Dim1 methyltransferase family.

Journal: BMC research notes 20080101

Title: Acidic pH shock induces the expressions of a wide range of stress-response genes.

Journal: BMC genomics 20080101

Title: Experimental characterization of Cis-acting elements important for translation and transcription in halophilic archaea.

Journal: PLoS genetics 20071201

Title: Structure of the chloroplast ribosome: novel domains for translation regulation.

Journal: PLoS biology 20070801

Title: Structural analysis of kasugamycin inhibition of translation.

Journal: Nature structural & molecular biology 20061001

Title: The antibiotic kasugamycin mimics mRNA nucleotides to destabilize tRNA binding and inhibit canonical translation initiation.

Journal: Nature structural & molecular biology 20061001

Title: Antibiotic blocks mRNA path on the ribosome.

Journal: Nature structural & molecular biology 20061001

Title: DNA sequencing and transcriptional analysis of the kasugamycin biosynthetic gene cluster from Streptomyces kasugaensis M338-M1.

Journal: The Journal of antibiotics 20060101

Title: Role of mitochondrial ribosome-dependent translation in germline formation in Drosophila embryos.

Journal: Mechanisms of development 20051001

Title: A novel firmicute protein family related to the actinobacterial resuscitation-promoting factors by non-orthologous domain displacement.

Journal: BMC genomics 20050101

Title: New media for the semiselective isolation and enumeration of Xanthomonas campestris pv. mangiferaeindicae, the causal agent of mango bacterial black spot.

Journal: Journal of applied microbiology 20050101

Title: Crystal structure of KsgA, a universally conserved rRNA adenine dimethyltransferase in Escherichia coli.

Journal: Journal of molecular biology 20040528

Title: Drug resistance in Chromobacterium violaceum.

Journal: Genetics and molecular research : GMR 20040331

Title: [Techniques of diseases, insect pests and weeds control and their efficacy in bio-rational rice production].

Journal: Ying yong sheng tai xue bao = The journal of applied ecology 20040101

Title: Requirement for SAPK-JNK signaling in the induction of apoptosis by ribosomal stress in REH lymphoid leukemia cells.

Journal: Leukemia 20031101

Title: Human mitochondrial transcription factor B1 methylates ribosomal RNA at a conserved stem-loop.

Journal: Nature genetics 20030101

Title: kasT gene of Streptomyces kasugaensis M338-M1 encodes a DNA-binding protein which binds to intergenic region of kasU-kasJ in the kasugamycin biosynthesis gene cluster.

Journal: The Journal of antibiotics 20021201

Title: Differential inhibition of 30S and 70S translation initiation complexes on leaderless mRNA by kasugamycin.

Journal: Biochemical and biophysical research communications 20021004

Title: Instruction of translating ribosome by nascent peptide.

Journal: Science (New York, N.Y.) 20020913

Title: Increased sensitivity to protein synthesis inhibitors in cells lacking tmRNA.

Journal: RNA (New York, N.Y.) 20011201

Title: Establishment of a new cross of the rice blast fungus derived from Japanese differential strain Ina168 and hermaphroditic rice pathogen Guy11.

Journal: Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry 20010701

Title: Coordination mode and reactivity of copper(II) complexes with kasugamycin.

Journal: Journal of inorganic biochemistry 20010601

Title: Continuous culture of immobilized streptomyces cells for kasugamycin production.

Journal: Biotechnology progress 20010101

Title: Small molecules that selectively block RNA binding of HIV-1 Rev protein inhibit Rev function and viral production.

Journal: Cell 19930924

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Tags:6980-18-3 Molecular Formula|6980-18-3 MDL|6980-18-3 SMILES|6980-18-3 α-D-lyxo-